12.00 am
Running Wild with Bear Grylls
"`Friends' star Courtney Cox steps way out of her comfort zone in the Irish highlands for the adventure of her life. Will it prove too much to handle?"
1.00 am
1.30 am
Brave Wilderness
"Coyote and Mark go kayaking next to one of the largest predators in the world: Killer Whales!"
2.00 am
2.30 am
Brave Wilderness
"Coyote and the crew discovers a rare Japanese snake in the Snake Island!"
3.00 am
Hollywood Weapons
"Terry falls victim to Walter White in Breaking Bad, and Terry and Larry test 3 separate scenes from this iconic series, 2 of which need the help of Special Effects expert Andre Ellingson, including lighting a gas tank on fire and chemically burning through a steal door."
3.30 am
Hollywood Weapons
"In this episode we get know Larry’s friend Rick O’Shea (Ricochet). Terry and Larry test several different films where bullets are manipulated in order to get an amazing result. They test scenes from Skyfall, Suicide Squad, American Ultra, and The Bear."
4.00 am
Farming The Wild 2020
"Mike stalks Roe Bucks in lowland England - Back at the game Larder Mike gives a masterclass demo of skinning and butchery – Back at his home kitchen Mike cooks Roe carpaccio. Mike Creates a Roe Tandoori marinade to cook this butchered Loin of Roe."
4.30 am
Farming The Wild
"Hunting Chef Mike and his wife Claude hunt roe bucks in the south of England during the late summer rut. Mike prepares a surprise venison feast for his family: Slow-cooked Whole Roe Deer Saddle, Grilled Chops, and a mouthwatering Onion Tarte Tatin."
5.00 am
5.30 am
6.00 am
Running Wild with Bear Grylls
"`Friends' star Courtney Cox steps way out of her comfort zone in the Irish highlands for the adventure of her life. Will it prove too much to handle?"
7.00 am
7.30 am
Brave Wilderness
"Coyote and Mark go kayaking next to one of the largest predators in the world: Killer Whales!"
8.00 am
8.30 am
Brave Wilderness
"Coyote and the crew discovers a rare Japanese snake in the Snake Island!"
9.00 am
Hollywood Weapons
"Terry falls victim to Walter White in Breaking Bad, and Terry and Larry test 3 separate scenes from this iconic series, 2 of which need the help of Special Effects expert Andre Ellingson, including lighting a gas tank on fire and chemically burning through a steal door."
9.30 am
Hollywood Weapons
"In this episode we get know Larry’s friend Rick O’Shea (Ricochet). Terry and Larry test several different films where bullets are manipulated in order to get an amazing result. They test scenes from Skyfall, Suicide Squad, American Ultra, and The Bear."
10.00 am
Farming The Wild 2020
"Mike stalks Roe Bucks in lowland England - Back at the game Larder Mike gives a masterclass demo of skinning and butchery – Back at his home kitchen Mike cooks Roe carpaccio. Mike Creates a Roe Tandoori marinade to cook this butchered Loin of Roe."
10.30 am
Farming The Wild
"Hunting Chef Mike and his wife Claude hunt roe bucks in the south of England during the late summer rut. Mike prepares a surprise venison feast for his family: Slow-cooked Whole Roe Deer Saddle, Grilled Chops, and a mouthwatering Onion Tarte Tatin."
11.00 am
11.30 am
12.00 pm
Running Wild with Bear Grylls
"`Friends' star Courtney Cox steps way out of her comfort zone in the Irish highlands for the adventure of her life. Will it prove too much to handle?"
1.00 pm
1.30 pm
Brave Wilderness
"Coyote and Mark go kayaking next to one of the largest predators in the world: Killer Whales!"
2.00 pm
2.30 pm
Brave Wilderness
"Coyote and the crew discovers a rare Japanese snake in the Snake Island!"
3.00 pm
Could You Survive?
"A freak weather system strands two adventurous sailors on a lifeless Mexican desert island, with no food and water and staving off death by exposure. And, a concussion leaves an experienced hiker lost and confused in the Washington State wilderness."
4.00 pm
Down to Earth with Zac Efron
"Bio-piracy threatens the most precious resource: Food. But scientists and farmers band together to protect the local plants and seeds. See how exporting agriculture threatens the economy and survival of the indigenous people."
5.00 pm
Bear's Mission With Gareth Southgate
"In Bear’s Mission with Gareth Southgate, the leader of the Three Lions squad will swap the football field for some of the UK’s toughest terrain and tackle the ultimate challenge, as he joins Bear on a mission across the wilds of Dartmoor."
6.00 pm
Special Forces
"Within this natural world lie countless hidden worlds, which each animal perceives in its own way, with its own highly tuned senses. These are the Specialists."
7.00 pm
Hunting The Hammerhead
"The great hammerhead is one of the most advanced predators of the ocean, equipped with incredible senses that drive it to detect, locate, and devour its prey. But what triggers each of its hunting mechanisms? How does it lock onto prey with eyes that are so far apart? And why is its head shaped like a hammer? Follow shark experts as they dive into dangerous waters and use a series of modern experiments. Then join conservation biologist Dr. Craig O’Connell to go beneath the skin of this giant in a unique dissection of this mysterious creature."
8.00 pm
Trucking Hell
"In this opening Episode we follow the Crouch Recovery crew through their busiest time yet, just as the Beast of the Eastdescends covering parts of the UK in a blanket of snow and ice and bringing some of the country’s busiest roads to a standstill. With phones ringing off the hook at HQ and scores of drivers stranded on Britain’s roads, Jim and Fluff battle gale force winds to recover an overturned HGV on the A1, Rory weaves his way through a thorny hedge to rescue a car that veered off the road and landed on its roof, and with his recovery ops out on jobs, boss man Adam Crouch, rolls up his sleeves and heads for the frontline, to recover an overturned gritter."
9.00 pm
Could You Survive?
"A freak weather system strands two adventurous sailors on a lifeless Mexican desert island, with no food and water and staving off death by exposure. And, a concussion leaves an experienced hiker lost and confused in the Washington State wilderness."
10.00 pm
Down to Earth with Zac Efron
"Bio-piracy threatens the most precious resource: Food. But scientists and farmers band together to protect the local plants and seeds. See how exporting agriculture threatens the economy and survival of the indigenous people."
11.00 pm
Bear's Mission With Gareth Southgate
"In Bear’s Mission with Gareth Southgate, the leader of the Three Lions squad will swap the football field for some of the UK’s toughest terrain and tackle the ultimate challenge, as he joins Bear on a mission across the wilds of Dartmoor."